Well we've opened pandora's box and the fun has begun. Unlike every other project we've started we actually purchased or ordered all of the major components before beginning. Well yesterday I called HD so I could pickup the Andersen awning window( a little one so people can't watch us do our business) and they said it wasn't scheduled to come in till August 16...... Not good since I was taking a week of vacation. Thankfully 2 guys Tim and Rich at HD were actual human beings and just credited out the order and gave us our money back. I got it from Hancock to be delivered Monday or Tuesday. No one told me that full Vinyl clad and corrosion resistant hardware adds 6 weeks to the project. So we get a cheaper window and sooner.
So after this mornings fun I started ripping. The window came out ok, but I didn't take the frame out yet. There are no studs in the outside wall! Well they are like 36" on center or something like that.
The bastards who remodeled this house still find ways to make life interesting. They felt the need to wire every light in the house from the light to the switch so the lights are always hot. Good think I checked first. Now I have to run between the downstairs and the panel to see what circuit it's one.
The good news is that they took down the plaster so I'm just ripping off the 3/8" drywall and that nasty masonite wallboard. I had to take a break since it's a little sticky here today and the dog was getting a bit jumpy. More later with pictures as I find nasty stuff.:)