Hear's what I building the new one with:
- P3-1Ghz with 384MB from long ago sitting in the garage for 4+ years
- Maxtor 120GB drive from closet up stairs
- ATI Radeon 8500 AGP card begged from Justin
- IPAC from original attempt
- 2 – 8 way stick, 1 4-way stick, and enough buttons to choke a horse from try one
- Acer 233H Monitor picked up with permission from beautiful wife
- Logitech wireless keyboard showing up tomorrow
- T-molding and cutter from previous attempt
- Kensington trackball from Spider used in try one
- XP Upgrade disked given to me by my Dad 8 years ago, never used
- Zaxxon marquee
What I’m changing
- I’m building this thing to fit the house and around the marquee this time. Last time I built it for the idea of upgrading the display and building it huge to allow for playing room for at least two players. The house isn’t that big so we lose 4” in width of the body and panel. Will look better and just as importantly lose about close to 100 pounds off the original both in wood and monitor weight.
- Screen goes from a 19” Apple CRT from turn of the century won in hardware raffle at former employer to 23” Widescreen LCD. Would have preferred 21” 4:3 aspect ratio, but you just can’t find anything not widescreen anymore without paying a premium. The widescreen is actually about half an inch shorter than the 19” CRT in glass space. I’m going to mount it vertical for the old school games. Yes I just said old school.
- No roll out keyboard trays or rolling equipment drawers or IKEA level break down assembly. This will be a cool looking box with a purpose not an overengineered pain. If you want to hear about over engineering ask Justin about my drywall lift.
- Just a swing out door in the front this time instead of the roller tray.
- Tilt towards you control panel on a piano hinge for easy access to wiring instead of detachable box with unbolting top. (Thanks Justin for the idea)
- Probably sticking to glue and screw instead of dadoing everything and it’s brother. Just cause I can don’t mean I should. Angle and router setup is a pain on those.
More later.
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