After a couple days break from the machine and posting here is where I stand. The cabinet is completely built now just some detail painting left to do. I'm still working out some control panel bugs with wiring difficulties or some emulator setup issues. It's nothing big, but will take a couple hours. By end of the night on Friday I had all the major pieces done including replacing my light bar after seeing it was 1/4" too long. I will cover move stuff in greater detail later, but here are the action shots.
The completed cabinet minus some blue accent paint |
The completed back. Keyboard is wireless and velcro-ed to the case. Power button turns on entire cabinet. |
The control panel from underneath. Attached to cabinet via piano hinge. Ipac controller on top right and old Kensington Expert trackball held into routed socket with plexiglass insert and to wooden spacers. On the bottom of the control panel box are Coin1, Coin2 as well as one that you can't see to flip player one control from left to center joystick. |
With the back panel removed. Aver 233H monitor is mounted on laminated 1/2" plywood with holes drilled for 100x100 VESA pattern. It's attached to two angled brackets on the sides to give the appropriate angle. Above the monitor mount on both sides you can see the Cambridge Soundworks speakers I mounted to the cabinet behind my fabric covered speaker cutouts. The powerstrip is a Belkin Smart AV that senses load from the computer and turns on the monitor, speaker and marquee light so I can control it with the one buton I hard wired into the computer. |
More later I'm sure.....
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